Friday, January 23, 2009

Preggo Booklist

After reading nearly every book that was on the market for pregnant moms, I've decided that most weren't worth my time. The books below met my primary criteria: (1) kept me entertained or interested, (2) didn't patronize me or terrify me with their advice, and (3) imparted a good bit of mommy wisdom.

  1. From the Hips: a Comprehensive, Open-minded, Uncensored, Totally Honest Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Becoming a Parent by Rebecca Odes and Ceridwen Morris - fun to read format without the "scaring the panelled-pants off of you" style of most pregnancy books. Includes quotes from real women about various topics in pregnancy, child birth and early parenting.

  2. The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine - another down to earth book about the specific physical, mental and emotional aspects of pregnancy

  3. Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy - hilarious account of the horrors and joys of pregnancy. Read some of this out loud to your partner and be prepared for snorting laughter followed closely by wide-eyed terror!

  4. The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-Be - short book to answer dad's many questions about pregnancy and childbirth, and his new role.
  1. Rockabye by Rebecca Wolfe - an excellent, easy to read mom-oir from the heart of a young mom who finds herself suddenly entering motherhood and learning to refuses to lose her creative spirit

  2. Sleep is for the Weak - a laugh out loud/cry with recognition collection of short stories by some of the best mommy bloggers out there. Perfect to stash in the car for those rare quiet times where baby is asleep in the carseat and you're too paranoid to get out of the car for fear of waking him!

  3. Baby Laughs by Jenny McCarthy - who knew that a former MTV host would write the easiest to read, and most hilarious, book on being a new mom? McCarthy sense of humor means that no gross part of birth or raising a baby get ignored, but the humor cleverly conceals a ton of really true information and advice on being a mom.
Practical Parenting:
  1. The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Sears - even my husband enjoyed reading this book! It lays out the 5 S's (shushing, swinging, swaddling, side/stomach position, and sucking) for calming a fussy baby. These simple tools are incredibly effective for helping even a colicky baby get to sleep.

  2. The Baby Book by Dr. Sears - a huge encyclopedia of tips and advice about how to make it through your baby's first year without too many panic attacks, ER visits, or second guessing yourself. In the first few months after Wry Baby's birth, I was constantly having questions of "is X a big deal" or "what do I do when Y happens." I could pull out this book, find the topic in the index, and feel much better in a matter of minutes. Dr. Sears is a big fan of attachment parenting, not panicking, and doing what works best for you and your baby. It's a very refreshing approach, and doesn't try to pigeon hole your family into a one-size-fits-all parenting style.

These were some of my favorite reads during pregnancy and Wry Baby's early months. I will admit that I also read a lot of "What to Expect When You're Expecting," but it always seemed alarmist and very black and white. Sometimes when you're a hormone-challenged pregnant lady or new mom, you really just need to read that the red spot you're obsessing about is just a common rash, not the sign of some rare but tragic disease! Better safe than sorry always applies to babies and pregnancy, but adding to the hysteria isn't necessary. The books I've recommended above try to maintain that philosophy of helpful advice without the hysteria. Enjoy!